Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So I was told that I need to update the blog...
I don't have much to write about as it has been raining for....well, for what seems like forever!
We had been bragging about our great weather and then it all left; we should have told Mom White to bring more sweaters!!
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the last week or so.
We went over to a park on Saturday with our friends and had a great time playing football and just running around:

The children played hide and seek with all the balls in the tall bushes
And here are the crazy gang last week getting ready to listen to a hockey game. They are all shouting Go Senators!! Unfortunately, they didn't yell loud enough last night. Since we don't have TV here, we have been listening through the internet to the weekend NHL games on the radio. When they play on the weekend at 2pm Eastern, it is 7pm here so we all get ready for bed, lay down and listen to the games!
And finally, here is a little picture of the children before an outing awhile ago.
I haven't been taking many pictures it would seem lately...maybe it is a subconcious thing as I am so excited to be all caught up with scrapbooking! By the way, scrappin' girls, I have now changed to Sunday nights for my scrapping night as my friend can come every week now. And last Sunday I got 4 pages done for my mom's album which I will be able to send back with Shawn's mom. I didn't take pics as I don't want her to see them before she gets them in her hands.
So I will be taking more pictures in the next few days, including some of Mom White so all the family can see we haven't lost her with the luggage!

Friday, May 18, 2007


We made a little treat this afternoon as it has been raining on and off all week. The children helped me make some brownies and icing and then we decorated them like traffic lights! It was great fun.
So we took a photo and sang our little song which the boys learned at school. Here it is:
(to the tune of twinkle, twinkle, little star)
Twinkle Twinkle traffic light, down by the station shining bright.
Red means stop, green means slow, amber means, very slow.
Twinkle twinkle traffic light, down by the station shining bright.
Here is the finished product close-up:

And here are the happy kids before getting to eat them....can you imagine how they looked after they got to eat this chocolately treat??!!
I also have to add a few miscellaneous photos from the last few days.
Here is Jacob who has been wearing himself out playing with Grammy. This was at playgroup on Wednesday....I have never seen him fall asleep on the way to playgroup at 10am! Don't you just love the folded hands? So glad I keep my camera in my backpack!
These are some of the things which Grammy brought us from Canada. The hockey sticks were a great gift as, if you recall, we used to play with toy brooms, mops, and little plastic golf clubs! And the little cyclist outfits are just too cute on these little bodies!!
The action shot!
Here is the only pic so far that I have been able to take of Grammy. We are all very happy to have her here!

And here are Hannah and Jacob showing off some visors that the boys made in Sunday School.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Some other pics

Hello all,
as we await the arrival of Grammy White, I thought I would put some photos on which I have had on the camera but which don't belong to a particular group or activity. So here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks which I thought I would share.
Hope everyone is doing well and that you can now see the pictures from the Miffy post...not sure what happened but I uploaded them again and I can see them now.
Here is a pic from the gang just last night watching our pre-bed video

Here is Hannah with a friend trying on a new scarf
Shawn and I in front of part of Holyrood palace
And finally, our little hockey girl

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


For those of you who don't know Miffy from her world famous books (translated into over 20 languages or something like that), she is an adorable little rabbit from children's books. Well, we didn't know of her either until the National Library had a great display for her 50th birthday. So we took out a few books from the library, read them over a couple weeks and then went to the great display last Saturday with some friends. What a great display it was, the children all enjoyed it as did the parents, who got to read all the history of this famous rabbit. Anyhow, after we looked through all the display, we made some great crafts. So I thought I would share them with you all so you can share in the birthday celebration: 50 years is quite a milestone...some of you will know that already, even as you are basking in the Tahitian sun!! {That was just a little jab at my parents who are whoopin' it up in Tahiti right now!}
So here are our Miffy celebration pictures:

Here are Hannah and Jacob trying on some of Miffy's outfits, Jacob is not too keen on it:

Sorry this is sideways but is shows Miffy as Jacob is trying on different colors:

And they had some books on tape for them to listen to which Alexander and Benjamin thought we kinda neat:

And here are our 4 and their friends enjoying the birthday cake:

Benjamin and our friend made some Miffy ears in the craft room:

And here are some other intent crafters:

And finally, here are the children enjoying the little puppet theatre they had to play with:

So now you should all go to the local library and check to see if they have any Miffy books...

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I can hardly believe it but I am all caught up on my scrapbooking! I have no more pictures to scrapbook and I have only about 30 or so on my camera. Yeah me!! Hee Hee. However, this means I need to take more pictures, I have been a little slack.
So here are my last few pages which I did last week and tonight. Can you tell I am rather excited about this? And my mother and mother-in-law should also be excited as now I will be working on their albums for the next few weeks.

Christmas 2006

You may remember these pics from the blog
And in other news, I have finally "jumped on the bandwagon" and joined facebook. I have no idea why as I have yet to really explore the site. So hurry up and get here Cindy so you can show me what to do with it! FYI, the term quoted above stems from:
Old time political campaigns would attempt to gain supporters with what amounted to a small parade including a band for a candidate with sufficient support. Jumping on the bandwagon was akin to providing your support for this popular candidate (from Idioms and Axioms currently used in America: Meanings and Origins).
Hope you all have a good week!