Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Picture withdrawal

Shawn has our digital camera in Greece right now so I must confess I am suffering from a wee bit of picture withdrawal...and missing Shawn as well of course!
I can't count the number of times I have said these past weeks, boy I wish I had my camera.
Today was the latest:
They are doing road repairs in front of our house and when we got home from Mom's group this am, the children all wanted to go out and watch. So we stood in the front drive way for awhile watching and then we grabbed some lawn chairs from the back yard and watched for awhile.
It was 1230 by this time and no one showed any signs of wanting to go in, so I went in and made some sandwiches, gold fish and carrots (actually, I just made the sandwiches, the goldfish were made by Pepperidge Farms, and Carrots by God in someone else's garden!) and brought out a little picnic. It was too cute to see all four of them sitting there with their little lunches watching the construction....boy I wish I had my camera.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jacob...our forgotten son

My sister informed me that I didn't have a picture of Jacob on our blog; He is in our family photo by the way!! However, here is a nice photo of Jacob relaxing in his little chair. He is quite funny, our youngest child...I believe in this photo he is watching a video on the TV. Every night before bed, the children get to watch a video; usually Franklin or Barney. Jacob, Alexander, and Benjamin are glued to the TV while little Miss Hannah could care less. She usually follows me around, helping to get everyone their bedtime snacks. Shawn says she is just learning her place as a good woman! Hee!Hee!

There is a little country market near our place which has a really neat little play yard for children. They all love to go play in the sand box, ride the tricycles, feed the animals and just run around. These photos were taken during Grammy Day.

Hannah and Jacob are still a little small to ride the tricycles around the course but they can walk it with ease!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Thank you Grammies

My Mom bought the children this great inflatable soccer/football field. Boy is it neat!! They all love to run around and play in it with a soccer ball, a football, or no ball at all!!
My mom took these pictures during Grammy Day. My mom and Shawn's mom watched all 4 children for 2 days so Shawn and I could have a wonderful night out! It was terrific...thanks Grammies. I didn't even call home to check up on everyone; only because Shawn wouldn't let me the 6 or 7 times I mentioned I might call....

This is Alexander getting tackled by Benjamin inside the playing field. Do you think maybe we shouldn't have let them watch NFL football from the day they were brought home from the hospital? My sister teases me that I am such a stickler about limiting TV watching except on Sundays during football season....then it is okay for us all to spend the afternoon and evening watching the games; Go Packers!!!

Can you even see Alexander under there??? What were those Grammies allowing my children to do anyway!!??

Thursday, May 18, 2006

what is it about bandaids?

What is it about kids and bandaids? We went to pick up some medicine at Lawtons the other day and they had bandaids on sale...Alexander picked out Spiderman and Benjamin picked out Caillou. The next day it was rather quiet up in their room and then I heard them running down the stairs giggling! How cute they were showing off their new bandaids; I was happy I only paid $1.79 for them. Benjamin didn't want his picture taken with them on as you can probably guess by the look on his face....what can I say, I am a scrapbooker; I had to take their picture.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Turkey Ahoy!!

Shawn sent an email today to say he made it to Turkey. It seems like it was quite an adventure with flight cancellations and delays but he is already having a great time and really enjoying the food....I may have to get a new cookbook to try some Turkish delights! Although we miss him terribly, we are doing fine. The children are all enjoying the nice weather and we just noticed many apple blossoms throughout our community and neighboring towns. What a beautiful time of year!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sleepy time

For those of you who know Hannah well, you will not be surprised to hear that little keeps her away from eating her meals.....not even sleep!
This past Sunday, I knew Hannah was tired after chruch so I let her eat lunch sitting in the little plush chair as she has fallen asleep in the high chair before. However, as you can see, it made no difference where she sat, she was still in need of sleep. She truly is a joy! What a special little girl in the midst of a household of brothers.

Home for Moly!!

I think we may have a home for Moly when we leave for Scotland in the fall!! A woman I work with was telling her friend about our need for a home for Moly and she was looking for a dog. So on Sunday, she came over to meet Moly and agreed to take her and give her a nice home when we leave!! What an answer to prayer.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I think I have done it!! This is really neat and quite easy to do. Thanks Christine. This is the Christmas photo we had taken of our family last year. Now that I know what I am doing, I can add a few more later this evening...or later this week; Grey's Anatomy and Scrapbooking may take my time away tonight.

Bye for now, Bev

First time!!

Hello all,
This is my first attempt at blogging.... The children and I just dropped Shawn off at the airport for a 3 week trip to Turkey and Greece. With Shawn away, I should have my evenings free to figure out this whole process. For now, I will attempt to post a couple of pictures and get things started. Bye for now! Bev