Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


For those of you who don't know Miffy from her world famous books (translated into over 20 languages or something like that), she is an adorable little rabbit from children's books. Well, we didn't know of her either until the National Library had a great display for her 50th birthday. So we took out a few books from the library, read them over a couple weeks and then went to the great display last Saturday with some friends. What a great display it was, the children all enjoyed it as did the parents, who got to read all the history of this famous rabbit. Anyhow, after we looked through all the display, we made some great crafts. So I thought I would share them with you all so you can share in the birthday celebration: 50 years is quite a milestone...some of you will know that already, even as you are basking in the Tahitian sun!! {That was just a little jab at my parents who are whoopin' it up in Tahiti right now!}
So here are our Miffy celebration pictures:

Here are Hannah and Jacob trying on some of Miffy's outfits, Jacob is not too keen on it:

Sorry this is sideways but is shows Miffy as Jacob is trying on different colors:

And they had some books on tape for them to listen to which Alexander and Benjamin thought we kinda neat:

And here are our 4 and their friends enjoying the birthday cake:

Benjamin and our friend made some Miffy ears in the craft room:

And here are some other intent crafters:

And finally, here are the children enjoying the little puppet theatre they had to play with:

So now you should all go to the local library and check to see if they have any Miffy books...


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