Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So I am a little late with this post but thought I would take advantage of the children all being at friends' houses for a few minutes to put up a new post.
We have been doing well here over the last little while. I just spent a week of induction into the National Health Service (9-4 every day this week) and hopefully will be starting some shifts at the hospital the week after next. Shawn did a fantastic job with the child care end of things here while I was away. Especially so since this was a week's holiday for all 4 children!
They all really enjoyed their week together and I (well, I can't really say I "enjoyed" my week per se) had a good week learning all about how things work in the health care system here in Scotland.
Every day Shawn had a little chart written out on the children's white board outlining the tasks for the day. The children all loved checking off each item once it was accomplished! The weather was fantastic all week and when I came home on Monday I was told, very excitedly by Benjamin, that the chart said to play outside for one hour and they actually were out for 4 hours!!
Unfortunately, Shawn is not the photographer of the family so we have gone a whole week without photos. However, last Saturday, we went to the National Library for a Valentines card making workshop. Here are some pictures of the creativity:
It was an afternoon workshop so Shawn took off early from his studies and met us at the library. Here he is with the card he helped Hannah make:

I'm not sure what this look is for but I thought it was kind of cute

Here is Jacob putting the finishing touches on his card:
Here are the two big boys with their creative masterpieces

Besides making cards, the children also got to make some nice felt heart flowers. So here they are with the other flowers I received for Valentine's day: