Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Friday, September 21, 2007


We found some great new rainsuits this morning when Hannah, Jacob, and I went shopping. I will post some photos of Alexander and Benjamin's later as they are still at school. However, here are Hannah and Jacob sporting their new rain gear and also (not really talking) in a little video. Enjoy!

The pants are actually overalls and Jacob keeps saying that they are just like fire fighters. He is pretty excited about that!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Full Day of School

To ease the children into grade 1 here they go only 1/2 day for the first month. Well, today was the first day that the boys went for the full day. They were VERY excited to be going the whole day like all the big kids and VERY excited to be able to take their new lunch boxes. So here are a few pictures of them this morning getting ready to go to school. I really don't know what is up with all of them lately with their smiles. I couldn't get one of both of them smiling normally at the same time so I am posting all three I took so that you can take your pick of which ones you want to look at!
I think this is the closest one to "normal" I managed to get....
When I was packing their lunch this morning I told them I was putting a chocolate chip cookie in with their roll and they were to eat their lunch first and then the cookie for dessert. So as I start to put the cookie in the bag, Alexander tells me he doesn't want it. I asked why, incredulously, and he said they weren't allowed to take cookies cause they were to have a healthy lunch. I assured him that the teacher wouldn't mind if he had one cookie after he ate his lunch and he then agreed to take the treat. Perhaps his twin brother is rubbing off on him!

Now that I have discovered video on blog, you will be getting bombarded with them just cause I think it's neat. Therefore, I am also posting a video which we discovered a couple of days ago while going through the pictures on the computer. I may have children's services coming to look for the children, but they were having a good time at the time!

Friday, September 14, 2007


As many of you may know, our family enjoys sports of all kinds. We did get to go see the season opener of the Edinburgh Capitals last Sunday night and we all had a grand time. You should have seen Jacob's face as soon as we sat down and the players came onto the ice with all the cheers and was pricelss. I don't think his eyes nor his smile could have been bigger! Alexander and Benjamin were the professional commentators telling us all what happens as they went to a couple games last season. Hannah sat there enjoying the game but was more interested in what snacks I took with me. It was great to be able to spend an exciting night out with the whole family. Unfortunately, the battery for the camera had died and try as I might to take a picture, it just wouldn't cooperate....I guess we will have to go to another game just so we can take some pictures.
So today we had a great basketball game after school. The children all got dressed up in their muscle shirts....cause that's what real basketball players wear....and, of course, I had to take their pictures first! So without further ado, here are the basketball players:
Here is the team

Benjamin's closeup....they are all having a bit of difficulty lately with smiling "normally" when I want to take a picture. Whenever I say, "smile normally", they say "I am!!"
Hannah the basketball star
Jacob's pose
And Alexander's pose
I just found out how to add video to the blog so you can all now have fun figuring out how to play the video! So here is a little snippet of the big game...actually, this was practice time before the game began. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Fun Times....

Here are a few pictures we have taken over the last week. The children are all into fire fighting lately so we have been dressing up and playing fire station, just like on the great Mighty Machines video Aunt Deborah brought over for us!

Hannah and Jacob and I have been having fun spending time together while Alexander and Benjamin are in school. Last week we spent part of a morning in the front garden area by the car park taking some pictures and having a fun time! This was a day after we had an evening BBQ and Jacob got a few bug bites as you will see if you zoom in.

We are now all getting ready to head off to the season opener of the Edinburgh Capitals Ice Hockey Team. The children are all very excited! We signed the boys up for the Kids Club and they will get to join the players for various activities including skating, parties, and a golf game later this month!! There are quite a few Canadian players on the team so we go out to support them. Hope you all had a good weekend and we will likely post some pics from tonight's game.