Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Bumblesnouts and Edinburgh Castle

Happy Saint Andrews Day everyone! That may not mean anything to you back in Canada but here it means we get to go to the castle for free!! So this morning Hannah, Jacob and I ventured out in the drizzling rain to see the castle. They even let me take some pictures!!
Here is Hannah being the guard at the castle gate (and proudly displaying her ticket!)

The many cannons were big hits! Notice they are still holding their tickets....
This one is for you Uncle Dave!!
And as we were leaving, Jacob decided he did want to be a guard as well
A close up of the cutest castle guards that ever there were!!

And now it is time to show off one of my many proud moments as a mother. Alexander and Benjamin have been attending a singing club every Thursday since September and last night they put on the production they have been learning. It was called Bumblesnouts Save the Earth. It was very cute! The boys played "thugs" who along with another boy and girl had to kick, hit and basically beat up something that fell from the sky. Here they are with the entire cast getting ready for the show. The lighting wasn't great for taking photos. If you enlarge you may notice them with the hoods up on their CCM Hockey sweaters!! Go Canada!!

A close up

And finally, here is a little snippet of a video I took when they were doing their song....they don't look too dangerous do they??

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fall Fun 2007

On Saturday we spent a little time outside with some friends enjoying the MANY leaves that have fallen in our back garden. Some children got a huge pile of leaves together and they all had a great time jumping, throwing, and rolling in them. Here are some timing was a little off in some of them but you can see a bit!

First off, here are a bunch of them throwing leaves in the air. They gathered around and counted to 10 and threw their armloads in the air:

Here is the one armed bandit after he threw his one arm full...I was a little late snapping the photo.
Benjamin with his pile ready to toss up in the air
I did manage to catch Hannah in the act
As well as Jacob...although I don't think he was having much fun, can you tell?? :)
And finally, here is a video of a bunch of them running and jumping in the pile

Friday, November 09, 2007


So as some of you may already know, we have had some injuries/illnesses of late. Jacob started with a fever and vomiting last Saturday and just stopped yesterday; this morning he awoke with a rash....gotta love these Scottish viruses!
And Alexander, while tackling someone playing American football, fell and broke his collar bone last Sunday morning....the fun never ends.
Fortunately, Jacob is starting to feel better and no one else has come down with it so far and Alexander has been a real trooper with his shoulder. He says it doesn't hurt and the only bad part is that he can't go out and play as he loves to do. He can still go to school and is getting very good at writing with his left hand. He has to sit on a bench outside at recess and lunch and watch all the other children playing, which I am sure is very difficult for him. However, he has an excellent brother, who I am told, has been sitting on the bench with him this whole week.....aaawwwhhhh!
So here are some pictures to go along with these tales:
First Jacob this morning, if you enlarge the photo you may be able to see the rash
And next Alexander in his sling, which he has to wear all the time, under his clothes. We put a new one on last night after his bath cause the old one was getting kinda grimy. Since my nice, white, medical tape didn't stick too well, he was all to happy to use hockey tape instead!
Although they are not injured, the other two had to get their shots done this morning as well, so here is Hannah with one of her many purses....
And Benjamin wanted a picture taken of his belly here he is!

We go back to get another Xray on Wednesday next week to make sure Alexander's bone is healing properly and then we shall see how much long he needs to take it easy. Benjamin will be off to football after school today, which may prove to be the hardest day for Alexander as he will have to sit and watch.
Hope you are all doing well.