Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Marker Pox!

We have an Arthur book that shows his little sister, DW, putting marker all over herself so that she can get the attention that Arthur gets when he has the chicken pox. There was a child off from the boys' school for the last week because she had chicken pox. So...Benjamin has marker pox...NOT chicken pox! He seems to think that having chicken pox is very bad and thus is too scared to think that he has chicken pox, so instead he insists it is just marker spots all over his chest and back.
The photo below is from yesterday when he wanted to lay around all afternoon instead of playing outside as is his norm. So we set him up on our bed to watch a video and when his brothers saw his set up they too came along to watch the construction video. We thought Benjamin was just tired but when he started to get undressed for bed last night, we saw the reason for his fatigue and, by then, fever. So Alexander is still "marker" free this morning but we are just waiting. Shawn is staying home with both boys this morning so we don't get everyone at church infected; I teach Sunday School, so Shawn is the one to stay home. Hannah and Jacob have both had the vaccine so we hope they will be exempt from these lovely marker spots so I will take them along to church this morning.
If Benjamin lets me take some photos later, I will post them in the next few days. I remember a picture of my sister and I when we were maybe 4 and 6 laying on our parents bed, both covered in chicken pox. So, of course, I need to get a good photo so he can have the same memory to share with his children.


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Oh dear... I hope at the marker pox pass through your house quickly... And hopefully Hannah and Jacob won't get them! Good luck getting a picture (which I'm sure will one day land in a scrap book)!

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Matt, Christine, Elijah, Joseph, Sarah, & Oliver said...

Poor Benjamin! I hope he recovers quickly. I guess it'd be good if Alexander gets them, too, so he won't have to endure the "marker pox" at an older age. Matt was 14 when he got them, and it was pretty terrible.

Elijah and Joseph both had the vaccine, your boys must have just missed it.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Cindy said...

I remember so distinctly being covered in chicken pox and lying on the couch in our basement watching tv. My brother got a milder case, but all over the bottoms of his feet. Good times...well maybe not.

Tell Benjamin that auntie Cindy is sick too and just wants to stay in bed all day (but has to go to the hospital for her broken finger tomorrow instead) - more good times :)

At 4:35 AM, Blogger tracy and dave said...

ah yes...the infamous chicken pox photo! I should try to dig that our and post it??? hmmm! anyway, let Benjamin know that we're all looking forward to seeing some great photos of his "marker pox" on the blog. Keep us posted!

ah, never did comment on the reason why we didn't see a photo of your dance partner??? it seems to have slipped by unnoticed..hmmm!

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Shawn, Bev, and Family said...

Shawn doesn't do much camera-weilding, plus he was busy comforting our crying younger twins. And I was too busy being swung around the dance floor to take a photo!


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