Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The family hair clippers have attacked their latest victim....
No, I did not decide to shave my head. Nor did Hannah.....
Jacob's hair was getting a bit long even though he still had very little of it. So we decided to go for it and give him a buzz like his brothers. Shawn did the honors this time and I think it looks great; even if a bit different. It will take some getting used to. But boy does he look like his brothers now! Here are some pictures of our adventure last night:

Here is the BEFORE photo. His hair was pretty long in the back and on the sides. He was starting to get the 70s "feathering" effect!
So then this happened and you will have to scroll down to get the results!

And here is our little guy looking much like his brothers.
First with his proud clipper-weilding papa:

And then the side view.

So stay tuned for exciting news from the hair world with Hannah and I! Just plans for big changes for us! The clippers are away until the boys' hair gets a little longer.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger tracy and dave said...

Hi guys! boy does he EVER look like his brothers now! David and I were just looking at photos of the boys when they were Charlie's age and we concluded that he DEFINATELY looks like a Alexander/Benjamin/Jacob cross!!! REally, features are very similar in all of them...I guess they're all cousins afterall!!! Nature's paternity test at work once again - hee!hee! Can't wait to see Hannah's buzz KNOW she'll be wanting one now!!! Love you all!

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Shawn, Bev, and Family said...

Actually Tracy, it would have to be nature's MATernity test if he looks like our side...unless you and Shawn have something you need to tell us about!!

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Cindy said...'s great that Jacob has enough hair to give a trim :)

Your kids are so adorable, and that previous posted picture of Jacob and Hannah reminds me just how quickly they are growing up. I hope they still like hugs and cuddles when auntie Cindy comes next summer!

At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ya'll.......Are you sure all that hair came off Jacob's head?? He sure seems happy, unlike his brother's on their first hair cut if I remember correctly !! Sure do miss you guys and I am sure you are missing Grammie Jo Jo's cooking as well...We sure have some great memories of our trip..Love Grammie Weir


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