Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Our fine city

Here, at last, are a few pictures of our fair city. This is taken from Princes Street in the city center. I made the family do a tourist pose so you could see a bit of the city scape. The dark building slightly to the right of the family with the two towers is where Shawn will be spending the next three years.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Benjamin is holding up his bus ticket (which he doesn't even need but seems to love).
Here are three big boys with another section of the city center as background.
Very close to our home is the famous Arthur's Seat. There is a lovely park at the foot of the mountains and here are the boys posing on one of the grassy hills that lead up to the top. We haven't ventured up there yet...maybe next summer when they are a little older. However, a friend hereis trying to get her baby to come so on her due date climbed to the top! If she can do it, we should be able to!
And here is a view from Calton Hill, another great park in the city.


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