Shawn, Bev, and Family

Welcome to the twinhouse! Shawn and I were married in 1997 and have been blessed (yes, blessed!) with 2 sets of twins. Alexander and Benjamin were born in 2002 and Hannah and Jacob joined the family in 2004. We created this blog to keep friends and family updated on the excitement in the twinhouse.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

ANOTHER sleeping girl And MUDDY FUN

So I have yet another Hannah sleeping photo to post! She does enjoy her sleeps. While the boys have been off school, Hannah and Jacob have not been having their regular naps on the way to pick up the boys each day. Jacob is absolutely fine with that but Hannah still needs her "beauty sleep" in the day time. So here is the set up of this picture: The children and I had just come in from playing outside and we were having a little snack. They were all sitting at the table and I had my back to them cutting some apple for snack time.When I turned around, I found Hannah sitting with her eyes closed and head bobbing in her seat. So I called Shawn to come in and take a look and he decided we should lay her down on the couch before she cracked her head on the table (what a good Dad!). Shawn picked her up and, as you can see, she was none the wiser. He layed her down and she had a great little siesta on the couch.

And now on the Muddy Fun part of the post. It had been raining a bit yesterday (shock, shock) and the boys were outside with friends last night. They all decided it might be fun to slide down the hill where it was muddy. So Benjamin came to the window (it is SO nice to be on the ground floor), and said, "It's okay if I get dirty right Mom, I am wearing play clothes". I said sure and off he goes up the hill with the others. As I watch, I see the older boys sliding down the little hill on their feet, they did quite well on the slippery mud. Then I see my boys trying and, as you might guess, they can't stay quite as upright as the 11 and 12 year olds can. Benjamin came to the window again a little later crying because he had fallen face first down the hill. He had mud all over his face, in his mouth, his nose, everywhere! So I gave him a glass of water and told him to swish and spit outside. The other kids got a great kick out of this and soon he was laughing instead of crying. So I wiped his face a little with paper towel and he was back on his way up the hill! As you can see, they were a complete mess when they came in, but boy did they have fun!
Here is Alexander when he came in. He is yelling MUD!

A close up of his pants

Here is Benjamin when he came in. Not sure how his hand got so muddy becuase he was wearing two gloves!

So before we put the clothes in the washer last night, we decided to "rinse" them in the tub. It was just too gross not to take a photo!


At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Bev for the update........You should be in a "TIDE" commercial with those dirty clothes...those boys are lucky you are a Mom who lets them "be boys" and get all muddy and look at it all as fun instead of being mad because they got so dirty....I bet Jacob was mad he wasn't part of the "Mud Escapade" His turn will come....Hannah's won't..she"ll sleep through that stage..HaHa....Glad you are all enjoying life in Scotland......Miss you lots......HAPPY NEW YEAR...Mom

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tide commercial for sure! Thanks for visiting my blog! You were right! It is very easy to do! If you don't mind I think I will join your Thursday night scrap... I am kind of isolated here. Have a great New Year and enjoy the adventures 2007 brings!

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Bev the kids look like they had a ton of fun! What a mess! Great pictures of sleeping beauty and the muddy boys! Sounds like they are keeping you busy, as always I'm sure!

At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are such great pictures!!! Hannah looks so adorable:) I love sleeping baby pics.

Sounds like your boys had a blast, I wish I could have been there to watch for myself. I am laughing as I write....that is definitely scrap-worthy stuff!


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